These pets are sold in blind bags.
    You don't know what you buy.
    You have to try to obtain all the pets
    of the different waves.
    What a suspense...

    There are 53 waves of Blind Bags :
    - 20 waves from the official collection.
    - 3 waves from Pets in the City (PC).
    - 1 wave from New Numbers (NN).
    - 2 waves from Serie 1.
    - 2
    waves from Serie 2.
    - 4
    waves from Serie 3.
    - 4
    waves from Serie 4.
    - 1 wave from the Mega Pack Collector (No #).
    - 1 wave from the Frosted Flurries (No #).
    - 12 waves from the Lucky Pets (No #).
    - 5 waves from the Keep Me Pack (No #).


  • - Year 2020 -
    Tiny Pet Carrier
    NO Official #


    LPS KMP - Heirloom
    (Dream - #01)

    Picture very soon !

    LPS KMP - Warmth
    (Dream - #02)

    Picture very soon !

    LPS KMP - Trundle
    (Exotic - #03)

    LPS KMP - Trellis
    (Exotic - #04)

    Picture very soon !

    LPS KMP - Crumpets
    (Exotic - #05)

    Picture very soon !

    LPS KMP - Downpour

    (Exotic - #06)

    LPS KMP - Rock Garden
    (Popular - #07)

    Picture very soon !

    LPS KMP - Rainfall
    (Popular - #08)
    LPS LP

     LPS KMP - Landscaper
    (Popular - #09)

    Picture very soon !


    LPS KMP - Hedgerow
    (Popular - #10)

    Picture very soon !


    LPS KMP - Gazebo
    (Popular - #11)


    LPS KMP - Beachball
    (Popular - #12)

    Picture very soon !


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